A Walk Through Holistic Health

A Walk Through Holistic Health

Dec 3, 2019 | Holistic Health, Self-Improvement

Definition of Holistic Health:

Holistic health can be defined as an approach to life instead of focusing on illness or specific parts of the body. It emphasizes the connection of mind, body and heart. The goal is to achieve maximum well-being, where everything functions very best that is possible. Holistic health teaches patients to take care and responsibility of their own health. It is cost effective compared to other ones and effective in treating both acute and chronic illness. Holistic health practitioners and therapists support the individual in a healthy way of living.

Aspects of Holistic Health:

Physical, emotional, social, spiritual and mental are the components of holistic health.


When it comes to health what matters is our physical health. Physical body often shows up the signs and symptoms of optimal or sub optimal health. Following are the factors included for physical health in holistic health.

  1. Sleeping for 8 hours each night. This allows your body to a complete rest and increases life expectancy.
  2. Consuming healthy food, which has high amount of carbohydrates, fats, proteins and nutrients every 3-4 hrs in the form of snacks, meals to maintain the blood sugar.
  3. Locomotion for a body of duration of 30 minutes a day is must for proper functioning irrespective of the busy schedule.
  4. Avoiding foods containing high cholesterol and hydrogenated oil as these substances have high chance of causing chronic disease.
  5. Avoid excessive alcohol consumption and smoking.


Our emotional health is as important as physical health as both have impact on each other. Here is what you can do to improve emotional health:

  1. Look out for therapy when needed. Therapy is a significant aspect for maintaining and developing emotional health and should be utilized wherever and whenever necessary.
  2. Management of stress should be done in such a hectic life. Happiness and joy in life should not be ruined due to stress. For this, one should practice daily yoga and meditation.
  3. Keep a journal of your thoughts and feelings. Write down all the positive things, thoughts whenever you go through. It will help you a lot in your hard times.


Research clearly states that happiest people on earth have deep connections with their friends, family and community. To support social health:

  1. In this technological era make time to talk and communicate with the people you love utmost. Spend time with such people. Healthier communication and healthier conversation boosts your social health.
  2. Involve in your local community. Have a conversation with the people living in your environment. This raises your social health.
  3. Keep negative thoughts and people completely away from your life. Such people ruin your life by increasing stress. Don’t be afraid to walk away from the friendships or relationships that affect your health.


If you do not find any way to reduce stress or mental health, spirituality will get you through this. Spirituality does not mean to become religious, it means to have a conversation with your inner soul and realize how beautiful you are. Prayer do miracles, take a time to have faith in your God and pray. Spend time in nature as it will refresh and reboot your energy. Spend time in meditation as well. In these ways you can support your mental health.


Mental health often overlaps our emotional and physical health. The big distinction between our mental and emotional health though is that while our emotional health refers mostly to our daily mood and emotions, our mental health refers to our cognitive abilities that affect how our brain functions. Ways you can support your mental health:

  1. Always keep your mind active by seeking opportunities to learn new things and problem solving practices that challenge your brain.
  2. Improve gut health by consuming gut foods. Since brain is directly connected with gut, healthy gut is essential for mind.

Advantages of Holistic Health:

Holistic Health supports reaching higher levels of wellness as well as preventing illness. People enjoy the vitality and well-being that results from their positive lifestyle changes, and are motivated to continue this process throughout their lives. Holistic health supports in treating common cold and decreasing inflammation in the body. It helps in reducing stress. Adding supplements, foods, to your day to day life helps to accelerate feeling your best.

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