Brain Health

What is Social Distancing?

What is Social Distancing?

Social Distancing: Since the outbreak of coronavirus, we have heard a term social distancing a lot. We all are aware of the fact that social distancing is one of the best ways to avoid the COVID-19...

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Foods that Improve Memory

Foods that Improve Memory

Do foods really improve memory? Yes, many foods can keep your brain healthy. Research is finding that Mediterranean Diet helps keep aging brains sharp, and a growing body of evidence links foods...

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How to Improve Brain Fitness?

How to Improve Brain Fitness?

What is Brain Fitness? In a way analogous to physical fitness, Brain Fitness is the state of brain health and mental well-being that makes you “fit” for life and work demands. It's more fundamental...

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ADHD and Its Symptoms

ADHD and Its Symptoms

ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It is a medical condition. A person with ADHD has differences in brain development and brain activity that affect attention, the ability to...

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You can’t change the past, but by working together with a counselor, you will understand and resolve challenges in your life. Contact a counselor for relieving emotional distress and other cognitive health issues for a better tomorrow.